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Andrea Du Cane


Phone: 612-802-3687
St. Paul, MN
United States 55104
9.96 out of 10 (76 reviews)

Andrea Du Cane is Director of Certifications for Dragon Door Publications, a Master Kettlebell Instructor, ACE-GF, ACE Senior Fitness Specialist, CK-FMS certified, CICS certified, and RIST, ZHealth certified, and has a BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota.  She has written and produced two DVDs The Kettlebell Goddess Workout, a top selling Kettlebell DVD on and her most recent The Kettlebell Boomer. Her DVD, Working With Special Populations, was filmed at the RKC Level II. Her Ageless Body Book was released fall of 2011. She is featured in the From Russia With Tough Love video and book, and was one of the athletes featured in the TRX-Kettlebell Power DVD.

She is a contributor to Fitness Trainer Magazine and Breaking Muscle Website and Coach's Only Podcasts. She has published articles on Russian Kettlebells for Best Body Magazine and for Oxygen Magazine. She was a featured presenter for the annual 2018 AFS conference in China. She has presented for the EMPOWER! Conferences held around the US since 2014. She has presented at the Dragon Door Health & Strength conferences, in 2015 & 2016. Andrea travels around the world certifying HKC & RKC instructors in Kettlebell training.

She currently offers live zoom classes and on-training personal training.



Andrea is featured on Breaking Muscle website as the February 2012 coach of the month. She is a featured expert for NSAA, year-long website program, "Get Your Body Back" and will be the featured coach for August 2014. 

She is also a Pilates instructor. She has over twenty years of aerobics, weight training and fitness experience, with an additional background in classical ballet, jazz dance and Argentinean tango. She has trained in a number of Eastern health and martial arts disciplines including kung fu, yoga, tai chi and qigong.




Andrea travels around the world certifying HKC & RKC instructors and Primal Move Instructors.  She has created the Ageless Body Workshops, focusing on retaining health and vitality through the years. She currently teaches classes in Minneapolis, Minnesota and offers a variety of workshops around the world.


Russian Kettlebell Group Training

For more information and class schedule, visit her website:
Russian Kettlebells combine cutting-edge core stability training with a twist on old-fashioned equipment. Introduced to the Twin Cities by Andrea Du Cane, kettlebell training complements any fitness or sports training program.

The Kettlebell is a weighted iron ball varying from 9 to 88 pounds with a handle that acts to offset the balance of the weight -- picture a bowling ball with a handle.

Full-body low-repetition workouts require participants' attention to both technique and safety while they use deliberate positioning of the Kettlebell.

The workout is great for cardio AND fat-burning. If you have tried everything and want to boost your fitness level, this is the class for you.

Offered in a group training format (limited to ten students), Andrea's Kettlebell training emphasizes proper technique, thorough and detailed instruction, which maximizes results.

Andrea's background in many different "technique" driven movement/exercise programs, gives her an incredible eye and expertise for training people of all levels of experience. She has many years of physical training, including classical ballet, jazz dance, brown belt in a Martial Arts system, Yoga, Tai Chi, trained in Stott Pilates (currently teaching) and teaching/performing Argentine Tango.


It was a pleasure to meet you at the Olympia weekend in Vegas. Thanks so much for taking the time to talk and coach for a few minutes even though you were very busy working the booth. Your tip about arching the back has helped my one-leg deadlifts. Best of all, when I got back home I tried out your idea of "punching through" to finish out the snatch, and I finally got the hang of it. Cool!

"One of the fun things about the Olympia weekend was an opportunity to see what people you see in magazines or videos look like in person. Unlike many of the bodybuilding and fitness "personalities" at the Olympia weekend, you look just as good in person as you do in print. You're a terrific example of what women can really achieve through a healthy lifestyle and effective fitness program."

 Michelle Kilikauskas, California
Working with Andrea Du Cane has been my first experience with fitness training. She is able to work with me, a rank beginner, as well as very experience students, always adapting her lessons to reflect her rich and profound skills, inspiring us all."

 Catherine Pruszynski, California
I met Andrea Du Cane today and got far more than my money's worth! Not only did she critique my form on exercises that I have been performing, I learned a few new tricks as well! Here's a breakdown for those that may be interested:

I thought I had a good, tight back arch . . . Now I know what a good tight back arch really is! . . . I'm not putting enough power into my hip-snap . . . Windmill, SP, BP: OK Comrades, sometimes I can be such a Homer! I've been doing these three movements with my toes pointed in the OPPOSITE direction of where they should be. Doing them the right way made all three movements MUCH easier than what I've been doing. I showed Andrea my Side Press, and I think she thought it was some sort of funny, circus strongman stunt, or worse! =)! -She's just too professional to laugh at a client! But I had to laugh at myself when I learned how to do it the right way, WHICH IS MUCH EASIER!!!! She was surprised that I haven't complained of knee pain the way I was doing it. This one adjustment was worth the fee of the entire lesson! The Polish part of my brain must be interpreting my RKC book. =)!

If you are new to KB's and haven't been to an RKC Instructor, I heartily recommend that you do so, chop-chop and forthwith. Although I had just a 30 minute drive, it's easily worth a full day trip if you are serious about using KB's and want to learn how to do things the right way."

 Jim H., Shakopee, Minnesota

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10/10 Florida Workshop 11/7/09 at ATPKettlebell in Dania Beach
By Mike Lee Kanarek / Davie/Ft Lauderdale FL USA

for a long time now I have been wanting to get formal training in Kettlebells. I have seen many so-called trainers and fitness experts who teach and instruct clients in Kettlebells, but have always waited for the right teacher to appear.

I cannot say in words how amazing this workshop was!

Andrea Du Cane is in a league of her own...brilliance and brute strength put in one individual. Her honesty on the mat was refreshing, so many trainers sugar coat their clients in our days, but not Andrea. What she sees she says...I respect that!!!

I am so glad for waiting to attend this workshop and get the correct education from the source.

Thank you Andrea, I will cherish the knowledge you have provided this weekend for a lifetime.

Mike Lee Kanarek
Israeli Special Forces Combat Veteran
Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame

10/10 Andrea DuCane; The Teacher's Teacher
By Fawn Friday RKC; NSCA - CPT / Saint Paul, MN

Andrea DuCane is my primary instructor. After receiving my RKC certification, I continue to train with Andrea regularly to improve my conditioning and refine my technique. She focuses on precise alignment and movement, and her classes are creative and fun! Although she is a Senior Instructor who can certainly help advanced practitioners reach a higher level, she is also quite good with beginning students -- making them feel comfortable as she introduces them to the training.

10/10 Professional, Soft Spoken, Masterful!
By Jason Turko, RKC / Canonsburg, PA

I had heard mixed reviews of the RKC before I attented from not so desireable sources. I know now that is was all a lot of baloney! I learned so much during the 3 day workshop that my head is still spinning! I am amazed at how such simple exercises are not that simple! As my team leader, Andrea critiqued and tweaked my form to give me the finnesse to do the lifts instead of the brute force I had been using. I will use this masterful instruction to propel myself to higher levels of fitness and pass on the knowledge to my future students! Thank you so much Andrea!

10/10 Andrea DuCane: Doctor recommended--Top KB instructor!
By Leah Golberstein / Minneapolis, MN USA

Two years ago, my physician recommended that I try Kettlebells as a way of helping me strengthen my core to alleviate chronic back pain. He told me that he was studying with Andrea Du Cane, and that she was absolutely tops. That is an understatement! Andrea has worked with me weekly for almost two years, and I am pain free. Not only does Andrea have extensive knowledge about KB, nutrition, physiology, anatomy, Pilates, martial arts, yoga, and Z Health, she is also one fabulous teacher! Andrea knows how to explain and to pace KB sessions in a manner that is appropriate for each student. I worked with a different teacher for a few sessions, and he offered me a fraction of what I learn from Andrea. She is a dynamic and highly knowledgeable professional. Working with Andrea and KB has changed my life.

10/10 Thanks from a "senior citizen"
By Jo Johnson / Champlin, MN USA

Many thanks to Andrea for introducing me to KB and Z-Health. Her insistence on proper form and individual student attention rate her far superior to all other fitness instructors I've ever had--and at age 68, I've had quite a few.

Although I attended only 3 KB classes (because of distance) I have been KBing at home. It's one of the few exercise routines I don't dread, maybe because I can feel the benefits so quickly.

I have also been doing the Z-Health routine 2-3x per week, and I feel noticeable improvement--especially in knees and shoulders. Although I never experienced major pain in either area, both feel more flexible and "younger."

A benefit I didn't expect is the nearly total disappearance of pain,
numbness and tingling from shoulders to fingers in both arms which
I've had for 20+ years. Both a neurologist and homeopathic dr. said
nothing could be done. Acupuncture partially helped, but I've been much better since starting Z-Health. Have not had any acupuncture for four months.

I've been spreading the word about my success and about your excellent instruction. Thanks again, Andrea.

10/10 Sane Voice In Testosterone Fog
By April L. Spas / Minneapolis, MN USA

Amid grunts,groans and displays of what it means to be "a man among men," of the others around us, Andrea focused our RKC certification team on safety and perfecting our form. She challenged us to use all of our techniques rather than worry about how much weight we were swinging. Most of our future clients are going to be regular people with varying degrees of experience who will be more interested in how prepared we are and how well we can communicate what needs to be done. Very few will be interested in the size of our bells. Thank you Andrea for your personal attention and a great experience.

10/10 Wish I could learn from her more often.
By Faizal S. Enu / Tampa, FL

Andrea was my Team Leader at the October, 2007 RKC. Her instruction was very valuable. Even if you are very proficient, Andrea can fine tune your technique to enhance your performance.

Andrea's presentations on snatch and the get up broke each exercise down to their essence. Also, not only can she talk the talk, but she walk the walk - as proven by her workout at the RKC where we were all sweating and panting while she was doing them in street clothes.

Very impressive!

10/10 Andrea is OUTSTANDING!!
By Christine Bagioti RKC / Dania Beach, FL USA

I had the honor and privilege to be on "Team Du Pain" for September's RKC in St. Paul 2008.
Andrea is an inspiration to anyone who is serious about being a kettlebell instructor and a fitness professional. She is a true professional, shares her wealth of knowledge and experience, and a class act! I will never forget my experience at RKC and I hope to work with Andrea again. She is a MASTER INSTRUCTOR!!!

10/10 Best Instructor for RKC Certification Preperation
By Leslie Branham Paulsen / St. Paul, MN

Andrea is a phenomenal instructor for preparing individuals for the RKC certification. Andrea not only helped me to meticulously tweak my form on all the major kettlebell movements, but she also helped me to fully understand the principles behind working with the kettlebell. While listening to the lectures at the RKC certification, I found myself constantly remembering specific things that Andrea taught me that backed up the techniques being taught. This helped me to grasp the concepts that were taught to a much greater level than I would have, if had I come into the training without the knowledge and experience I gained from working with Andrea. I very highly recommend doing group and/or one-on-one training with Andrea prior to your RKC certification.

10/10 AMAZING!
By Stephanie Lathrop / Kent, WA

Hello Andrea,

I attended your kettlebell workshop on Saturday 5/9 in Seattle and it was amazing. I learned so much, both what I had been doing wrong (oops) and much more importantly, how to do it right! You and the assistant instructors were great, correcting form and encouraging when done right. I appreciate the "Tough Love" approach, too. I am excited to keep learning more and apply what I am learning to both my own workouts and with my clients.

Thank you again for all you do!

Stephanie Lathrop
Premier Personal Trainer
Vision Quest Sport & Fitness, Kent, WA

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Andrea Du Cane

AndreaDuCane Article

The Safe, Practical - And Highly Effective - Way to Give Your "Kettlebell Boomer” Clients the Golden Body of Their Dreams

Jun 21, 2011 03:00 PM

There are an estimated 77.3 million “Baby Boomers” in the United States. Ranging from middle age to early retirement. Of this group most are still in the work force and earning good money. Some are beginning to retire with fairly secure incomes. Because of the G.I. Bill and the increased interest in higher education, a record number of this generation attended college and attained college and post-graduate degrees. Recent health studies have shown that in general...

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How to Work with Special Populations as an RKC—And Help Them Regain Control of Their Bodies

Oct 04, 2007 04:28 PM

I like to consider myself a movement coach. Most of my clients come to me wanting to learn more than how to swing a hunk of iron. They are coming to me to regain control [...]

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