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TannerHandstandPushupsMuscleBeach thumbnail

Dragon Door Interviews Tanner Martty, PCC Instructor

I’ve tried many different types of physical training starting off with basketball when I was a kid, then Olympic wrestling, bodybuilding, kettlebells, before coming back to calisthenics...

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DavidLeddickKettlebellSnatch thumbnail

Dragon Door Interviews David Leddick, RKC Instructor and Dragon Door Dealer

At the time of the RKC workshop, I wasn't even planning to open a gym. I owned a moving company and had been running it for a while. Afterwards I realized that being a kettlebell instructor was something I wanted to turn into a career.

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Dragon Door Interviews Laura Robertson, RKCII, CK-FMS, PCC Instructor

My instructor—a professional BMX rider—said, "You have to find your right group of kids." When I think about all the personal training and instructor certifications I've completed, I feel like I have found my “right group of kids” whenever I come to a Dragon Door workshop.

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NickKenonHandstand thumbnail

Dragon Door Interviews Nick Kenon, PCC Instructor

I think personal trainers seem to evolve a training style because our industry is so much about learning—as we learn more, we adapt our style. I've really started getting more and more focused on the movement aspects of fitness and less on the “fitness” aspect of fitness.

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Dragon Door Interviews Anthony Moro, RKC Instructor

I first saw them eight years ago during Recon Training in the Marine Corps. They introduced me to kettlebells even though I learned to swing them a different way. Then I kept meeting awesome people who really kept me interested in the RKC. The kettlebell swing really builds a true athlete.

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Dragon Door Interviews PCC Instructor Dr. Lance Monteau, MD

When I came across the PCC system, it all fit. It's what I’ve spent 30 years looking for, and now I have it. It’s unlike anything else. So I ended up going to the PCC Workshop and even though I was already progressing, now I've gone from the stairs to the elevator! It’s been like a dream since I went to the PCC—the jumps I make every time along with how much easier the exercises are on a weekly basis. I’m really amazed. This is really it—what I dreamed about for all those years.

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ZuzkaLightSwingsKettlebell thumbnail

Dragon Door Interviews Internet Fitness Personality Zuzka Light, RKC

I started blogging about my own workouts and have been trying to improve ever since. I really fell in love with kettlebells because they were very "outside of the box" and really rough around the edges—which is something I really like. Kettlebells are awesome and can be really safe but only if you know exactly what you’re doing. What really motivates me are the people who are getting great results because of my videos and blog.

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Neuro-Mass Is Nearly Here

You can develop very impressive levels of muscle mass, strength, speed, power and endurance, without having to train all day, every day like a professional athlete does with Neuro-Mass.

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The Revolutionary Training Solution - The Neuro-Set

A ‘Fool-Proof’ Solution For Rapid Increases In Your Muscle Mass, Strength, Speed, Power, Athleticism and Conditioning, That’s Been Tried-And-Tested On Olympians, NFL Athletes, MMA Fighters and More…

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Dragon Door Interviews Corey Howard, RKC, CK-FMS, and PCC Instructor

Now that I'm almost 40, I am more concerned with quality of life. Calisthenics were naturally the answer, because I'm not about to quit working out. I'm adding strength through handstand push-up positions and working on my levers. All of them have helped me link myself together, and shore up the weak links.

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