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By William Sturgeon, RKC Team Leader
I believe my life’s purpose is to help teach people who’ve been hurt by life’s adversities how to adapt the skills and tools needed to restore their strength to live a healthier life.
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by Adrienne Harvey, Senior RKC and PCC
How The Isochain Can Help Transform Your Strength Training by Busting Through Plateaus — for Surprising New Gains in Size and Performance…
by Dan John, Master RKC
Isometrics work. Yes, they were overhyped for a time, but pushing as hard as you can against something that won’t move is a way to train your nervous system to light up.
by Matt Schifferle, PCC Team Leader
Since the first time I’ve tried them, I’ve found isometrics exercises to be the ultimate training hack to quickly and safely improve neuromuscular proficiency to generate muscle tension.
By Dr. John C. D’Ambrosio
If the Isochain was available 42 years ago, I truly believe I would not have suffered the torn bicep and would have obtained the best physique possible without countless wasted hours in the gym. You can never get back lost time, and the Isochain would have saved me literally years, and that my friends, is priceless.
Ted Croushore trained exclusively with the Isochain for 120 days with 90 days of caloric deficit averaging over 500 calories per day. Find out what happened to his strength and physique...
by John McKean
“Hey, Dad,” asked my 41-year-old son and lifetime training partner, “from your time working as the International General Secretary of the I.A.W.A., do you recall, off hand, the world record in the CHEAT CURL?”
To implement, simply begin with a normal frictional strap warmup for the first 15 minutes, quickly move over to your Isochain, then position chain links so only, say, a mid-position, standing press can be achieved. Push for all you're worth for 6 intense seconds!
By Chrys Johnson
With all these Isochain modes and a force display, “Progressive Overload has entered the chat” making this a whole new ballgame now. This will give rise to the advent of freak athletes and unbelievable feats of strength in the coming years. If you haven’t preordered it, I highly recommend you do so.
By Logan Christopher
Overall, the Isochain is simple to get up and running with. That being said I did feel like it took about two weeks until my body was really in the groove with most of the exercises and different positions. For me, it took about two weeks to get neurologically adapted to the device.