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Jeff O’Connor, RKC
Oct 11, 2004 01:49 PM
Ask the average strength devotee the question, ?What is strength??, and you will probably receive a look that is normally reserved for ?special? children and have the que [...]
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Barry Ross
Oct 11, 2004 01:43 PM
If coaches are going to train their sprinters like powerlifters why not start with powerlifters and train them to run faster? If it's just leg strength that makes a spr [...]
Jack Reape
Oct 11, 2004 01:00 PM
For many readers, lurkers, and Comrades at, the Outcomes and Goals portion of their training approach has become swallowed up by a witch?s cauldron of [...]
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Jim "Smitty" Smith
Sep 13, 2004 01:50 PM
Louie Simmons
Aug 16, 2004 05:28 PM
Finally, after many years, it seems the deadlift is on the rise. In New Orleans in September 2002. I was lucky to witness not one but two 900+ deadlifts, by Gary Frank an [...]
Kurt J. Wilkens, RKC
Jul 22, 2004 01:07 PM
Let us take a little time out of our busy schedules to just relax. Let us put aside for a moment all of our hard work and harder training and enjoy a few minutes to ours [...]
Raw and retro, the only thing progressive about this primitive routine is the poundage
Marty Gallagher
Jun 22, 2004 03:05 PM
I?ve never encountered any form or mode of exercise that equals the sheer muscle-building, strength-infusing capacity of compound, multi-joint progressive resistance move [...]
Harald ‘G. Soldier’ Leymann
Jun 10, 2004 03:20 PM
There are many methods and training systems in PL today. A few of them are very successful, like the WSB, the Smolov, the RSR, the Sheyko, the Korte, the 5x5, and even th [...]
Carl “Saintm” Sanchez
Jun 02, 2004 12:56 PM
Recently, being the mad doctor that I am, I've been playing around with a different way of cycling for the impatient-gotta-have-it-all-now-type of lifter. It comes from t [...]
(Or How to Throw a Hog Over a Fence)
Eric S. Bruesch
May 04, 2004 01:45 PM
On my recent trip to the Carolinas I had a chance to talk to Jimmy, an old family friend. Jimmy has known me since I was a newborn, and in the 30 years I've known him to [...]